"After 10 months of ESC spent in Slovenia, I can say that this type of experience is very useful for us young people. During this period I learned...
Slovenia. Another beautiful two-month experience ESC has come to an end.
Another beautiful two-month experience has come to an end. It has now become a tradition for us to send our young participants to Slovenia, to Zavod...
7 day of intercultural exchange in Croatia
Hurry up to read the new testimonials and impressions of your peers! We are talking about the Erasmus Plus youth exchange🇪🇺"ABC to...
Back after one year of ESC volunteering
Another volunteering experience thanks to the European Solidarity Corps, a program funded by the European Union, has just ended and it's time to go...
Volunteer for a month in Portugal: “Take care of your home: body and earth”. II edition
Between tears of happiness and a whirlwind of emotions, the "Take care your home: body and earth" individual volunteering project held in Portugal,...
Just Started: Home for a month in Portugal
Today we'll talk about the short-term volunteering experience in Portugal that a girl from the Union of Gerrei Municipalities is experiencing!...
Slovenia: Three months of the year have gone
Continuing with the testimonies of Sardinian volunteers abroad, today we'll tell you about Francesco, a young man coming from Sant'Andrea Frius who...
Slovenia, two months of ESC volunteering for youth and animals
On October 3rd two girls from the Unione Comuni Gerrei left for 📍Begunje na Gorenjskem in Slovenia.There, Elisabetta (from Armungia) and...
Training course on non-formal education in Cyprus
Anna, Michela, and Michela spent one week in Perivolia, Cyprus while participating in a training course related to non-formal education, funded by...
Taking care of the earth: a month of Volunteering in Portugal. I edition
Claudio, Nicolas, and Raffaela are back in Sardinia. These young guys participated in a 1-month volunteer project in Apúlia, Portugal, together with...
10 months of volunteering in Cyprus
Benedetta, a girl who participated in a 10-month volunteering project with the PlanBe association in Nicosia, Cyprus, has returned to Sardinia....
Spain: 8 months volunteering for abused primates
Andrea is back in Sardinia. He participated in an 8-month volunteering project with Fundació Mona in Riudellots de la Selva, Spain. During his...
Youth Exchange in the Czech Republic. Here’s what the participants tell us!
‼️ From August 27 to September 4, five young Sardinians, including 4 from Fonni and Sant'Andrea Frius, participated in the youth...
Belgium, a unique and unforgettable experience
From August 8th to 18th, six young Sardinians, including 3 from Sant'Andrea Frius, participated in the youth exchange "yourself," in Brussels and...
Poland, Rap Music, Friends …something indescribable!
‼️ From August 2nd to 10th, 7 young Sardinians, including 4 from Tonara and Sant'Andrea Frius, participated in the youth exchange...