Youth workers from ten countries gathered for a week of training as part of the Erasmus Plus program, to discuss youth and rurality.
From November 4 to 11, 2024, Malik ETS organized the international training course TEYRA – Training and Empowerment of Youth Workers in Rural Areas in Seulo. The project, funded by the Erasmus Plus program and co-funded by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia and the Municipality of Seulo, brought together 30 youth workers aged 18 and above from rural areas of Italy (Sardinia), Lithuania, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Spain, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Greece, and Moldova.
The project was born out of the observation that there is a lack of professionals specializing in socio-educational animation and informal and non-formal learning in rural areas. Its objective was to promote employment, growth, and local development in these regions, with the aim of creating better living and working conditions and preventing the exodus of young people. Additionally, the project aimed to support the development of organizations active in socio-educational animation and their related systems.
The first few days were dedicated to getting to know each other and discovering the host village: Seulo, the village of centenarians. In plenary sessions, participants engaged in interactive activities to get to know one another better and develop new skills.
During this week, participants had the opportunity to explore Seulo both during informal moments and organized activities, such as a team-based photography hunt. The international guests, supported by local participants from Seulo, wandered through the village’s narrow streets, admiring landmarks, murals, and sites of tourist interest.

Among the most memorable social moments were the multicultural evenings: each nation showcased traditional dishes brought specifically for the occasion, allowing everyone to taste them, and also presented their traditional dances.
After a day full of activities focused on getting to know each other and discovering the host territory, we dedicated ourselves to the central theme of the project: youth work in rural areas.
The third day began with a World Café, a methodology aimed at introducing the topic of youth work in rural areas, addressing the challenges and difficulties that young people face, and discussing strategies and opportunities to encourage their stay in these regions. The activity took place in a welcoming atmosphere, surrounded by nature and the animals of the newly established Arrexini Asula association: an oasis for animals and youth, creating a space where everyone can feel welcomed and reconnect with their roots.
Additionally, the young people from Arrexini Asula reflected together with the participants on the challenges that a newly established entity (business, company, or association) may face in rural areas, identifying practical solutions to address them. Divided into national groups, the participants worked on their own ideas for associations, businesses, or enterprises.

In the afternoon, we immersed ourselves in creativity with the Loesje Bulgaria association, which introduced us to the Loesje creative writing method! Participants experimented with various creative writing techniques, discovering that behind a well-structured and meaningful poster lies a long process of design and planning.
On the fourth day, we kicked off the design of ideas for interactive activities to apply to youth work in rural areas!
As an outcome of the project, the content of a toolkit has been created – 8 different activities with detailed descriptions and explanatory videos.
The day started with well-known energizers to warm up the atmosphere. Afterward, participants were divided into groups and began analyzing and developing their ideas. It was a very productive morning, and by the afternoon, the work was already completed.
In the evening, we had a special guest, Claudia Sedda, the director of Gal BMG, who spoke to us about European funding aimed at the development of rural areas and local action groups that contribute to the growth of the region. Additionally, we discussed the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program, a wonderful opportunity for all young entrepreneurs or aspiring ones!

After experiencing each activity in the toolkit, participants had the opportunity to reflect, share conclusions, and propose suggestions for improving the initiative, making it even more effective and result-oriented. The toolkit consists of 8 different activities, suitable for both indoor and outdoor settings, and for small or large groups. These activities are dynamic and engaging, as well as more static ones focused on deep reflection.
The morning of the final day was dedicated to a collective reflection on what had been experienced during the TEYRA project. We began with a general group evaluation, followed by a personal reflection, and concluded with the presentation of personal visions for the future. Of course, all participants were invited to contribute to the compilation of their Youthpass certificates!
In the early afternoon, participants were divided into groups to make the most of the last few hours of daylight in Seulo. Some embarked on an adventurous walk to the waterfalls, others focused on networking and exchanging experiences, while others immersed themselves in creativity with a Blackout Poetry session.
We concluded the day with a community feedback session: a meeting attended by the citizens of Seulo, during which we shared the project and the results achieved.

The cherry on top was the birthday of one of our participants, who turned 50 on the very last day of the project. Such a special event could not have been celebrated in a better way: among young people, in a village famous for its centenarians!

The success of the project was also made possible thanks to everyone who contributed to its realization.
We would like to thank our participants and their sending organizations: Euroteam Czech Republic (Czech Republic), Taurage Youth and Youth Organisations Union “Taurage Round Table” (Lithuania), Illipula Youth Association (Spain), PlanBe Social Enterprise (Cyprus), Asociatia Comunitati pentru Tineret (Romania), Loesje (Bulgaria), Javni zavod Športni in mladinski center Piran (Slovenia), Greek Youth Mobility (Greece), Asociatia Internatională a Tinerilor (Moldova); our local partners: the Municipality of Seulo and the Ecomuseum of Alto Flumendosa; Dr. Claudia Sedda, director of GAL BMG and GAL Marghine, an expert in rural development.