Associazione Malik

Spain: 8 months volunteering for abused primates

Andrea is back in Sardinia. He participated in an 8-month volunteering project with Fundació Mona in Riudellots de la Selva, Spain.

During his experience, Andrea carried out several activities at a rehabilitation center for abused primates. In addition, he helped in collecting data needed for the Research Department; led visitor groups, and helped promote the European Solidarity Corps program through his peers.

What was her experience like? 

Andrea tells us about it:

“I will never forget the time I spent with the other volunteers, my mentor, my tutor, and the primates. Those moments helped me get to know better not only myself but also other people, their culture, and their ideas. The primates I shared this experience with taught me important lessons about empathy, coexistence, language barriers, and so much more.

The European Solidarity Corps is a great way to connect young people from different backgrounds and countries and enrich them. I feel like being an improved version of Andrea who started the volunteer experience eight months ago. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in this project, and I recommend it to all young people because it is an invaluable experience that you will remember for a lifetime.”

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